Calling all amateur radio licensed Generals and Amateur Extras! Become an ARRL VEC accredited VE (volunteer examiner) and join a local team. This class can be done ONLINE by appointment! (You must be 18+ to be an examiner, but we can train anyone 16+ to be a helper.)
Take this class if you want to get accredited or if you are already accredited and need a refresher. The 1-hour will be an overview of the FCC-NCVEC-VEC-VE relationship, the ARRL VEC, pertinent FCC rules, exam session forms, and exam procedures.
We will also cover the difference between in-person exams and on-line remote exams, the difference between paper exams and electronic exams done by computer, and what changes with the new FCC collection of $35 license fees.
Afterwards or on your own time you will fill out the self-evaluation and VE application. You will email these to the ARRL for processing. You can also download the VE study guide from ARRL for free and do a self-study on your own time.
Next classes: (or you can request a date)
Radio License Examiner Training 8-9pm - 2/13/2025
Radio License Examiner Training 8-9pm - 2/27/2025
Radio License Examiner Training 8-9pm - 3/20/2025
Radio License Examiner Training 8-9pm - 4/3/2025
Radio License Examiner Training 8-9pm - 4/17/2025
If you live in the Boston Metrowest region, we hope you will join the VE Team of New England Amateur Radio as well as others in the vicinity of your QTH. Our team does In-Person Amateur Radio License Exams in Natick, but you could also join a team that does on-line exams.
If you are interested, sign up or email, or call 508-720-4179.