Solar Telescopes, Nighttime Telescopes, Mirror Grinding Demos, Galileo Show, Ham Radio Activities, Planetarium Shows! Open to the public.
Hosted by New England Sci-Tech and often assisted by members of the Amateur Telescope Makers of Boston (ATMoB).
Here is the tentative plan for Saturday, Sep 23, 2023, from 4 pm to 9 pm. Watch this page for updates.
This page is based on the sequence of past events. Actual activities will not be finalized until early September.
Volunteers please sign up here to help!
Members of the Amateur Telescope Makers of Boston (ATMoB) bring special solar telescopes so you can safely view the sun.
4:00 pm - Doors open to public. Galileo arrives! Solar Scopes available. Radio activities begin.
5:15 pm - Planetarium show. Solar Scopes available.
5:30 pm - Galileo show (35 min).
6:15 pm - Night scopes begin moon watch. Planetarium show.
7:15 pm - Planetarium show. Night scopes available.
8:00 pm - Planetarium show. Night scopes available.
9:00 pm - Planetarium closes. Event winds down. Pack-up/cleanup begins.
10:00 pm - NE SciTech closes.
The Amateur Telescope Makers of Boston (ATMoB) usually join us with telescopes and inside demonstrations. Weather permitting, they plan to offer solar observing while the sun is up and transition to night-time telescopes as the evening progresses. The moon will be in First Quarter phase, perfect for children and novices to enjoy!
Galileo visiting New England Sci-Tech to see the First Quarter Moon.
GALILEO! (5:30 pm)
Meet the man who transformed a "spyglass" toy into a scientific instrument to discover the moons of Jupiter. He will be visiting from 5:00-6:30 and will give a 35 min presentation at 5:30 pm.
Amateur Radio Activities (4-9 pm)
Open to all licensed amateur radio operators and non-licensed technology enthusiasts. Licensed amateurs may use the radios, demonstrate DX and educate non-hams, and let non-licensed hams make contacts (US only). We may get some fox-hunting in as well (hidden transmitter hunts).
Planetarium Shows (22-min shows)
We have a 4-meter diameter inflatable dome (13 ft diameter by 9 ft high) in our Space Science Lab. The 1080p digital projector and surround-sound system can present astronomy star shows and multi-media professional shows. Shows usually average 25-min runtime. Participants sit on foam mats on a carpeted floor. A limited number of chairs are available for older adults.